Investor360 Login – How to Do It
Are you looking for information on the Investor360 Login? If so, you have come to the right place.
Investor360 Login
This login is for Investor360’s clients. If neither of the pictures look familiar or your login information doesn’t work, please contact Investor360 on their official site.
Information Needed
Login ID
If the picture below looks familiar, click the link above to log into the site.
About Investor360
Investor360° is a Web-based application that contains portfolio information within Overview, Holdings, Activity, Statements, and Confirms pages. A Documents section allows your advisor to share documents with you. It also includes an Administration tab, where you can update your password, name, and security information. Investor360° also offers an optional account aggregation feature that allows you to consolidate all of your account information, regardless of institution, in one place. If your advisor chooses to give you access to this functionality, you will be able to collect all of your account information—including data from bank, credit card, investment, mortgage, insurance, and loan accounts—and view it all through Investor360.°